Wednesday, Jan 22nd, 2025 - 21:51:22


Korea Freemason Brother Haynes shares his immense body of work cataloging Masonry in Korea.

MAC  MacArthur Lodge No. 183, chartered in 1964.  Another Masonic Lodge in Seoul but of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of the Philippines.

HST Truman Lodge 1727 S.C. in Pyungtaek.  A little out of the way but a comfortable hang out.

PH Prince Hall Washington.  District 10 contains Korea.

GLOS The Grand Lodge of Scotland started Masonry in Korea.

GLOI  A travelling Lodge from Hong Kong visits us once every 10 years.

GLOC A provincial Grand Lodge where our RWM has visited.

GLOF The first American jurisdiction our RWM sat in was located in Florida.

GLOBC&Y Back up to British Columbia

GLONS Another important connection we have to a place back home.

Australia  Many Brethren visit us from down under.

UGLE 300 years of Freemasonry.  A little younger than some of the Scottish Lodges.

Hong Kong Our district

GLOJ Our nearest neighbours

FMFD Freemasonry for Dummies

WSRA Motorcycle group with a Chapter here in country.

SRAOS Supreme Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland.  Rose of Sharon Chapter No. 878.

SR   The Scottish Rite of Freemasonry.  Valley of Japan and Korea.

Seoul Shrine Club Shriners is a fraternity based on fun, fellowship and the Masonic principles of brotherly love, relief and truth.

BASN the Shrine is big in the USA and Canada.

In Memoriam 

YWGMC Hapjeong-dong (합정동) International Cemetery.  Many Freemasons interred here.

TFS Task Force Smith.  Memorial recognising the first U.S. combat unit to stand against invading North Korean forces.

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