Being chartered in 1908, Lodge Han Yang is the oldest and most diverse Masonic Lodge in Korea. Our members hail from every corner of the world and come from every walk of life. Although we conduct our meetings in English, we are privileged to count a good number of Korean Brethren among our membership.
This website represents a new initiative not only to provide
information about Lodge Han Yang to people who are not familiar with us but also as a central resource to help bring together those members who are no longer residents in Korea.
In addition to providing information on Freemasonry in general and the history and activities of Lodge Han Yang in particular, members of the Lodge can use the site to catch up with old friends, browse the minutes of our regular meetings and, of course, keep up to date with dues payments.
Brethren, this is your resource and I hope and trust that you will
find it of value and of interest. We are striving to keep the site up
to date and populated with content that is thought provoking and
informative. We welcome any submissions or suggestions you may have.
Whether you are a Member of the Lodge, a visitor or simply have an interest in Freemasonry, I encourage you to get in touch and join in our work and celebrations.
Sincerely and fraternally,
Robert L. Bates III PM